What are some great words I can define in a bible dictionary from Galatians chapter 3?

1 answer

1. Faith - believing in God and trusting in His promises without physical proof
2. Justification - being declared righteous in the sight of God through faith in Jesus Christ
3. Curse - a divine punishment or judgment for disobedience to God's laws
4. Law - the commandments and ordinances given by God to Israel through Moses
5. Promise - God's commitment to bless and fulfill His covenant with His people
6. Covenant - a binding agreement between God and His people, often sealed with a sacrifice
7. Grace - God's unmerited favor and blessing upon His people
8. Inheritance - the gift of eternal life and blessings promised to believers in Christ
9. Boast - to brag or speak proudly about one's own achievements or righteousness
10. Redemption - the act of being bought back or saved from sin and its consequences through the blood of Jesus Christ.