What are some great words I can define in a bible dictionary from Galatians chapter 2?

1 answer

1. Justification - the act of being declared righteous in God's eyes through faith in Jesus Christ
2. Circumcision - a physical sign of the covenant God made with the Israelites, but now a symbol of spiritual cleansing and renewal
3. Law - the commandments and regulations given by God to the Israelites, which are fulfilled in Christ
4. Grace - God's unmerited favor and kindness towards sinners, made available through Christ's sacrifice
5. Hypocrisy - claiming to follow God's ways while behaving in ways contrary to His teachings
6. Faith - trust and belief in God's promises and in Jesus as Savior
7. Works - actions or deeds done in an attempt to earn salvation or favor with God, which are not sufficient for righteousness
8. Unity - the bond of fellowship and love among believers in Christ, regardless of background or ethnicity
9. Gentiles - non-Jewish people who are now included in God's salvation plan through faith in Christ
10. Apostle - a messenger or representative sent out to proclaim the gospel and establish churches