What are some great words I can define in a bible dictionary from Galatians chapter 1?

1 answer

1. Apostle - One sent with a commission to represent and speak for Christ and His teachings.
2. Gospel - The good news of salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3. Grace - The free and unmerited favor of God shown towards sinners through the forgiveness of their sins.
4. Persecution - Hostile and cruel treatment inflicted on individuals or groups because of their beliefs.
5. Resurrection - The act of rising from the dead, particularly in reference to Jesus' victory over death.
6. Salvation - The deliverance from sin and its consequences, leading to eternal life with God.
7. Law - The system of rules and principles governing human behavior, often contrasted with grace and faith in the New Testament.
8. Flesh - The sinful nature of humanity, opposed to the Spirit of God.
9. Faith - Trust and belief in God and His promises, essential for receiving salvation.
10. Circumcision - The physical act of removing the , often symbolizing the Old Covenant in contrast to the New Covenant of grace through faith.