1. As I face challenges and obstacles in my life, I lean on the Strengthener aspect of the Holy Spirit to give me the inner strength and resilience to persevere.
2. When I am feeling weak and overwhelmed, I turn to the Holy Spirit to fortify my faith and help me stand firm in the midst of adversity.
3. With the courage and boldness imparted by the Strengthener aspect of the Holy Spirit, I trust in God's provision and protection, knowing that He will never leave me nor forsake me.
4. The Holy Spirit empowers me to endure trials and hardships, giving me the strength I need to overcome any obstacles that come my way.
5. I am grateful for the Strengthener aspect of the Holy Spirit, which constantly fills me with courage and boldness to face any challenges that may arise in my life.
What are some great Application sentences form this based off the Amplified Bible:
The Holy Spirit as a Strengthener. The Strengthener aspect of the Holy Spirit empowers believers with inner strength and resilience, enabling them to endure trials and hardships. The Holy Spirit fortifies believers' faith, enabling them to stand firm in the face of adversity and opposition. The Strengthener aspect of the Holy Spirit imparts courage and boldness to believers, enabling them to trust in God's provision and protection.
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