What are some good methods to improve on your voice?
Ive heard that drinking green tea is good for your voice, and drinking water is also good, anything else?
10 answers
like singing or just plain talking etc.
well i know a little but i am not n expert. good posture, stand straight or sit straight um don't "swallow" your throat but drop your jaw, sing right above your teeth, but not out your nose. when you are ready to sing especially in public don't eat/drink milk products within 24 hours this is ort of random so fire away with more questions =)
also drink warm water just before you sing. also do little exercises before you sing a song to get your voice ready like singing the scale and breath properly your shoulders should not go up
Thanks so much=)I will follow your advice=)
no problem i love choral music and good quality music its the best on the market. listen to good singers too that helps
i hope it helps
Could you help me with my Business post? Its below this one
i am afraid i cant help with that google khan academy thy may or may not have videos for wht you need