what are some ethical dilemmas that occur in health care or human service organizations?

There are many ethical dilemmas from perspective, epsecially in my hometown. I feel that some ethical issues in the human service organizations is race. My dad lost his job after 31 years and was diagnosed with Alzheimers and there was no money coming in after unemployment while he was trying to get his disability. Mu mom worked at WalMart and had 3 kids living at home. Needless to say the DHS would not give them but $40 worth of food stamps. Now the health care on the other hand, many of the elderly do not like others of their other race touching them or helping them. I know this for a fact because I have worked at many nursing homes and at a hospital. Hope that this helps a little.

One great dilemna in the health care system deals with the time of death. Once it was simply when the heart stopped beating and breathing stopped. Now, however, machines can keep a brain-dead person alive for years. Another dilemna concerns the other end of life -- when does life begin? Once it was when the baby could breath on its own and respond to stimuli. Now machines can keep a four-month fetus alive. The difficulty comes when the side-effects come into play. Physical and mental defects usually accompany such premature babies, requiring life-long care.