what are some differences between the equator and the prime meridian?

2 answers

HUH? They are perpendicular to each other. Meridians run north South and equator runs East west. There is only one equator, around the middle between north and south poles. There are lots of meridians stretching from north pole to south pole and just one is selected (through Greenwich, England) to be the "prime" one from which all others are measured (zero longitude) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_meridian_%28Greenwich%29
The Equator
is a line of latitude
divides the earth into southern and northern hemispheres
crosses all 360 lines of longitude
is closest to the sun year round
lies in the tropics

The Prime Meridian
is a line of longitude
is one of two lines dividing the earth into eastern and western hemispheres
crosses 180 lines of latitude
temperature varies between tropical and arctic