Yielding the right of way is crucial for safe driving. Here are some common situations in which you should yield:
At Intersections: Yield to vehicles or pedestrians already in the intersection, especially when you are arriving at a stop sign or red light. If there's a four-way stop, yield to the vehicle that arrives first.
Pedestrian Crossings: Always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and those waiting to cross the street. This applies to marked and unmarked crossings.
Driving on a Main Road: When merging from a side street onto a main road, you should yield to vehicles on the main road. This ensures smooth traffic flow and prevents accidents.
Roundabouts: In a roundabout, yield to traffic that is already circulating within the roundabout. Enter only when it's safe to do so, and always give priority to pedestrians and cyclists.
Understanding and following these yielding rules can significantly enhance road safety for everyone.