What are some chemical reaction changes that are similar to elephant toothpaste

1 answer

Some chemical reactions that are similar to the elephant toothpaste reaction (the rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by the catalyst potassium iodide) include:

1. Baking soda and vinegar reaction: When baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is mixed with vinegar (acetic acid), it produces carbon dioxide gas, which leads to the formation of bubbles and a foamy eruption.

2. Mentos and soda reaction: When Mentos candies are dropped into a bottle of soda (carbonated beverage), the carbon dioxide in the soda rapidly forms bubbles, causing a foamy eruption.

3. Alka-Seltzer tablet and water reaction: When an Alka-Seltzer tablet (containing citric acid and sodium bicarbonate) is dissolved in water, it generates carbon dioxide gas, resulting in a fizzy or foamy reaction.

4. Potassium permanganate and glycerin reaction: Mixing potassium permanganate crystals with glycerin (a type of alcohol) produces a vigorous exothermic reaction, with the release of gases, steam, and purple flames.

These reactions are similar to the elephant toothpaste reaction because they all involve rapid gas formation, foam or bubble production, and an impressive visual display.