While Ashoka is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in ancient Indian history, there are some criticisms and negative aspects associated with his reign. Here are a few:
1. Violence in his early reign: Before converting to Buddhism, Ashoka carried out brutal campaigns to expand his empire. It is believed that he was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people during these conquests.
2. Religious intolerance: While Ashoka adopted Buddhism and preached non-violence after his conversion, he still displayed some religious intolerance. He claimed to uphold religious freedom but persecuted the followers of other religions at times.
3. Centralized and authoritarian rule: Some historians argue that Ashoka's reign was marked by centralized power and authority. While he established a well-organized bureaucracy, he heavily controlled every aspect of his empire, limiting individual freedoms and enforcing strict rule.
4. Economic pressures: Ashoka's focus on promoting non-violence and ethical governance led to a significant decrease in revenue from sources such as war spoils and taxes. This, coupled with his policies of charity and social welfare, put considerable economic pressure on the empire.
5. Inefficient administration: Despite his achievements in establishing a strong bureaucracy, Ashoka had difficulty effectively administering such a vast empire. Many provinces faced administrative issues, and corruption among officials was common.
It is important to note that these criticisms and negative aspects should be viewed in the context of Ashoka's historical era and the prevailing norms and practices of ancient India.
what are some bad things about ashoka
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