Some signs on physical examination for intestinal obstruction may include:
1. Abdominal distension: The abdomen appears bloated and full.
2. Abdominal tenderness: The patient experiences pain and discomfort in the abdomen, especially when it is palpated.
3. Absent or decreased bowel sounds: Normal bowel sounds are absent or reduced due to decreased peristalsis.
4. Hyperactive bowel sounds: In some cases, loud and high-pitched bowel sounds may be heard due to increased peristalsis as the body tries to overcome the obstruction.
5. Visible peristaltic waves: Waves or ripples can be seen moving across the abdomen as the intestines attempt to push the obstructed content forwards.
6. Palpable mass: In some cases, a palpable mass can be felt in the abdomen, indicating the location of the obstruction.
7. Rebound tenderness: Pain is felt when pressure is released after palpating the abdomen.
8. Hernia: The presence of a hernia, especially an incarcerated hernia, could indicate intestinal obstruction.
9. Vomiting: The patient may experience persistent vomiting due to the inability of the intestines to pass the contents.
10. Obstipation: The inability to pass gas or stool, often resulting in severe constipation.
It's important to note that these signs on physical examination are not definitive for intestinal obstruction and may vary depending on the severity of the obstruction and the individual patient. A thorough medical history, imaging tests, and other diagnostic evaluations are usually necessary to confirm the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction.
what are signs on physical examination for intestinal obstruction
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