What are questions on Service Project portfolio 7th grade

1 answer

1. What service projects have you completed during the school year?
2. What was the goal of each service project and how did you contribute to achieving that goal?
3. What skills did you learn or improve upon during your service projects?
4. How did your service projects benefit the community or organization you were working with?
5. Did you face any challenges during your service projects and how did you overcome them?
6. What feedback did you receive from the community or organization about your service projects?
7. How do you plan on applying the skills and experiences gained from your service projects in the future?
8. What are some ideas for future service projects that you would like to be involved in?
9. How did your service projects align with your personal values and beliefs?
10. How has participating in service projects impacted your understanding of your community and the world around you?