Possessive nouns are those that show ownership. We add an apostrophe to a noun to make it possessive.
child's toys
children's toys
dog's collar
dogs' collars
what are possesive nouns?
3 answers
Possessive nouns are those which show ownership of the immediately following noun. (The term "ownership" needs to be understood very broadly.)
This is the boy's jacket. (boy's = possessive; boy owns jacket)
The radio's AM stations don't work. (radio's = possessive; radio "owns" stations)
My sisters' children all came over for Thanksgiving. (sisters' = plural possessive; sisters "own" children)
This is the boy's jacket. (boy's = possessive; boy owns jacket)
The radio's AM stations don't work. (radio's = possessive; radio "owns" stations)
My sisters' children all came over for Thanksgiving. (sisters' = plural possessive; sisters "own" children)
jackets, jacket's which is correct possessive noun