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what are examples of conditioned stimuli, unconditioned stimuli, conditioned response, and unconditioned response?
2 answers
In classical conditioning, the unconditoned stimulus (US) is one which reflexively causes a response. One example is putting something into your mouth causes salivation. In this case the unconditioned response (UR) is the response to a US presented alone, the salivation.
A conditioned stimulus (CS) originally has little or no effect. Only when the CS is repeatedly paired with a US (or previously learned CS) will it become a CS. A good example is the sound of a cellophane wrapper being opened. Originally it has little or no effect. However, after being repeatedly paired with eating candy or other foods, it alone will produce the conditioned response. The conditioned response (CR) is one given to the CS when presented alone.
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A conditioned stimulus (CS) originally has little or no effect. Only when the CS is repeatedly paired with a US (or previously learned CS) will it become a CS. A good example is the sound of a cellophane wrapper being opened. Originally it has little or no effect. However, after being repeatedly paired with eating candy or other foods, it alone will produce the conditioned response. The conditioned response (CR) is one given to the CS when presented alone.
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