Dramatic elements are essential features of a performance that contribute to a play's meaning and overall impact. Based on your list, the following would be classified as dramatic elements:
Events or incidents that happen during the performance in a particular order - This refers to the plot structure, which is critical in shaping the narrative and pacing of the performance.
Aspects of performance that appeal to audience's senses - This encompasses elements like visual design, sound, and lighting, which enhance the sensory experience of the play.
Essential features of performance that contribute to a play's meaning - This includes themes, motifs, and other aspects that help convey the deeper messages of the work.
People or beings in a performance whose actions move the plot forward - These are characters, and their development and interactions are crucial for driving the narrative.
The following terminologies you've mentioned relate to techniques used in drama:
The technique of creating meaning using hints rather than direct description is often referred to as subtext or foreshadowing, depending on the context. Subtext involves underlying themes and ideas that are implied rather than stated outright.
The conflicts between characters found in the dialogue of a play can be described as dramatic conflict or simply conflict, which is a fundamental component of storytelling that drives character interactions and plot development.
Overall, these elements work together to create a cohesive, engaging, and meaningful theatrical experience.