I don't know what you had before, but read this:
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what are church services like for jehovah witness
i had a site but i lost it can u help me plz ty
4 answers
I'm a Jehovah's Witness!
if ur realy interested, go to jw.org, not wikipedia
On Saturday or Sunday we have a meeting 10:30-12:15, we have a brother give a talk from 10:30-11:10, after that we have a watchtower study. On Tuesday we have at meeting from 7:30-9:15, first we have Treasures from Gods words, A brother talks about that topic it gives for 10 min. Then we have digging for spiritual gems for 8 mins, the brother asks somebody to read the scripture and then he asks somebody else to answer the question. Then we have apply yourself to the field ministry and either brothers or sisters will have a part. then after that we have Living as Christians (15 min.), We will play a video and answer the questions. Then last we have a congregation book study and that 30 min. and then the meeting is over.