1. Examples of more precise language for "good" could include: exceptional, outstanding, or excellent. I would prefer to see "exceptional" on this assignment because it is more specific and gives a clearer indication of the quality being described.
2. An action scene is focused on fast-paced events that are happening in the present moment, often involving conflict or danger. A descriptive scene, on the other hand, is focused on setting the scene and painting a picture for the reader, often involving sensory details and imagery. For example, an action scene might involve a car chase in which the protagonist is trying to escape from a group of villains, while a descriptive scene might describe the tranquil beauty of a sunlit meadow.
3. Active, fast-paced writing might be more appropriate in a scene where there is a lot of action happening or where tension needs to be built quickly. For example, in a thriller novel where the protagonist is being chased by a killer, actively describing the tension and danger can keep the reader engaged and on the edge of their seat. Descriptive, slow-paced writing might be more appropriate when describing a character's emotions or thoughts, or when setting the scene and creating atmosphere.
4. Sensory details are details that appeal to our senses, such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Including sensory details in writing can help bring a scene to life for the reader and make it more immersive and engaging. For example, describing the scent of freshly baked bread in a bakery or the sound of leaves crunching underfoot in a forest can transport the reader to the scene and create a more vivid image in their mind.
What are 3 examples of more precise language for "good?" Which of your examples would you prefer to see on this assignment? Why?
How is an action scene different from a descriptive scene? Explain using examples.
When might active, fast-paced writing be more appropriate than descriptive, slow-paced writing? Explain.
What are sensory details? Why would you use these in your writing?
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