What African country makes up an eastern hemisphere?
7 answers
Your question doesn't make any sense. Do mean what African country is totally in the Eastern Hemisphere?
what do mississippi , ohio and missouri all have in common?
Is it that they have the missouri-ohio-mississippi river system that is inland transportation?
Is it that they have the missouri-ohio-mississippi river system that is inland transportation?
yes, that is what I mean for the first one.
Yes, they are all in that river system.
The Prime Meridian divides the Eastern Hemisphere from the Western Hemisphere. As you can see, most African countries are entirely in the Eastern Hemisphere.
so would south africa be correct?
Are you asking -- what African country is entirely in the Eastern Hemisphere?
South Africa is one of about 30 African countries in the Eastern Hemisphere.
South Africa is one of about 30 African countries in the Eastern Hemisphere.