Western companies often impose western culture on the country in which the business is launched. Locate an article that contains a similar situation as Wal-Mart and summarize the findings. What is your analysis of the situation? How could this have been prevented

2 answers

Why would one want to prevent it? Western culture is not bad. It is better than living in a culture that denigrates women, not letting girls go to school, or killing folks because of their religion. Why do so many sociology profs seem to fear western civilization? (except for getting having tenure, a western civilization concept).
I response to the last answer (which is biased and ethnocentric) many specific reasons why Western business ventures in foreign countries is harmful is the cheap labor extracted form the locals, US business going elsewhere instead of building the economy here= GREED, and with no ecological laws in other countries, Western business is not responsible for screwing up local ecologiess. As long as they make $$$ then they don't have to care (although of course they should). Seriously, it's a bad scene and screws regular people up.