Ignoring the links to games (!!), there are many sites in here that will help you with your first question. What the question is asking about is a practice in feudalism.
The Franks were the people who preceded the modern French people:
Were currently studying the early middle ages in western europe. I have been assigned a huge ammount of homework and need some help on two questoins.
Why would a lord grant an estate to a vassal?
Describe the Franks?
Neither was mentioned in class or the text. I think the second question is describe the Franks in the time frame of the early middle ages not now.
Time frame is like 700-1000
The book talks about the Manor an economic system.
The medieval church and stuff of the sort.
Thanks for help
2 answers
Read especially about Lords, Vassals, and Fiefs.
Read especially about Lords, Vassals, and Fiefs.