Well l'm doing a speech on the right to die, but l can't think of 3 points for it

the three l've got are:

1. The difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide
2. ?
3. A case on this subject


2 answers

Here's my experience about the "right to die."

My husband had ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease which is incurable and fatal. Within months of his diagnosis, he was totally paralyzed and could barely speak or eat. He refused a feeding tube. When I couldn't care for him any longer, I moved him to a lovely hospice residence where he could be made much more comfortable than he was at home. Within two weeks he made the decision to stop his breathing machine, the only thing keeping him alive. He died, by his own choice, the next day. He, I, and the hospice staff believed in the right to die with dignity.

Where's the line between assisted suicide, the patient's choice to refuse further medical treatment, assisted suicide, and euthanasia???

You might research the hospice philosophy and the right to die with dignity.

Good luck!
Are you for or against the "right to die"?

So far what you have looks like parts of a report. If you are supposed to be persuasive, you'll need to take a position on one side of the issue or the other.