“We’ll be there in a few hours,” said Tom Anders. “Just try to hold on.”
“But Tom, the children are so hungry,” cried Maybelle Anders. “They haven’t had anything to eat for days.”
“I know, honey, but just tell them to hang on. My sister Nancy’s place is just a few miles up the road. Can’t be too far away now.”
The family was dirty and exhausted, their faces streaked with the dust of the road. Their old wagon was barely holding together. Any minute, one of the wheels was likely to fall off. Their aging horse Steel wasn’t doing much better. He was limping along, weakly putting one hoof in front of the other.
“Hmph! ‘Steel’ ain’t exactly the right name for this nag,” thought Tom to himself. “He should’a been named Scrawny. I paid too much for him, that’s for sure.”
The children sat huddled in the wagon, trying to calm their stomach pains with thoughts of a warm house that would soon welcome them. Surely Aunt Nancy and Uncle Fred would have some soup or potatoes for them. They had come such a long way west from Oklahoma, believing things might be better for them out here.
Just as he was about to give up hope, Tom Anders saw a light. A porch light. Yes, they were waiting – he could almost smell the cooking fire from here. It smelled like hope.
1. What conflict do the opening lines suggest?
A. A family struggle to complete a long journey.
B. A family regrets that a vacation is ending.
C. A husband and wife argue over which route to take.
D. A husband and wife disagree on how to discipline their children. *** ??
2. Which detail in the selection symbolizes a change in the family’s fortune?
A. The family’s horse is named Steel.
B. The family has a sturdy wagon.
C. The family is from Oklahoma.
D. The family sees a light just ahead. ***
3. A possible theme of the selection is “perseverance will be rewarded.” Which line from the selection best reflects this theme?
A. Surely Aunt Nancy and Uncle Fred would have some soup or potatoes for them.
B. The family was dirty and exhausted, their faces streaked with the dust of the road.
C. Just as he was about to give up hope, Tom Anders saw a light. ***
D. He was limping along, weakly putting one hoof in front of the other.
20 answers
2. D - yes
3. C - yes
I knew it! My friend told me it was D, and so we challenged ourselves on here.
1. A
2. D
3. C
2. D
3. C
love you guys :*
Thank you!
is correct yayayayyyayayayayayayayayyay 100%
2. D
3. C