Well A Well B

Contaminant Amount (mg/L) Contaminant Amount (mg/L)
arsenic 0.040 arsenic 0.06
cadmium 0.007 barium 3.0
cyanide 0.31 cadmium 0.001
nitrate 12 lead 0.000
thallium 0.000 nitrate 0.00
Refer to the data table and determine which contaminants are found in toxic quantities in Wells A and B.

1 answer

In Well A, the contaminants found in toxic quantities are arsenic and thallium, with amounts of 0.040 mg/L and 0.000 mg/L respectively.

In Well B, the contaminants found in toxic quantities are arsenic, barium, and cadmium, with amounts of 0.06 mg/L, 3.0 mg/L, and 0.001 mg/L respectively.