Welcome to Candyland!
Tell me how this ecosystem works! For every question, you’ll tell me what role each snack/candy plays in this ecosystem. YOU MUST ALSO SAY WHY. Convince me that your Candyland is more correct than the rest of the class! (There might be some bonus points for the best, most logical land!) So, in your Candyland:
1) Which snacks are the Apex predators, and why?
2) Which snacks are the consumers, and why?
3) Which snacks are the producers/plants, and why
4) When it rains, what falls from the sky, and why?
5) When it hails, what falls from the sky, and why?
6) When it snows, what falls from the sky, and why?
7) Pick a candy/snack. Explain to me their life cycle. You can look at frog life cycles, butterfly, fish, mammals, and even plants. Pick a model and tell me how your treat grows up? ( Must be at least 3 steps. More is cooler.) Does it start as a seed? Does it go through metamorphosis? Tell me all about it!
8) Based on everything so far, is this a utopia (Good place) for humans or a Dystopia (bad place) for humans? And why?
1 answer