Web Design I B Unit 1: Basics of HTML Lesson 7: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
1. In the following piece of CSS code, what is the rule? p { color: #676767 }
A- #676767
B- color
C- p
D- p { color:3676767 }
2. In the following piece of CSS code, what is body called?
body { color: #ffffff }
A- property
B- rule
C- selector
D- value
3. What is CSS used for?
A- to create a web page
B- to create interactice components of a web page
C- to customize web pages based on user preferences
D- to define the style and format of one or more web pages
4. In the following piece of CSS code, what is the property?
p { color: #676767 }
A- #676767
B- color
C- p
D- p { color: #676767 }
5. Which of the following is true about CSS?
A- A seperate CSS file is needed for each HTML file in a website
B- It is a language used to customize web pages based on user preferences
C- It is contained in a seperate file than HTML files
D- It is used to combine formatting information and content into one single file
6. Which part of the following CSS code would you edit in order to change the background color of the overall web page?
body { color: #000000 background-color: #C9E1FF font-family: Arial, "Lucida Console" . sans-serif} h1 { color: #114485 font-size: x-large font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman" , Times, serif; }
A- background-color: #C9E1FF
B- body {
C- color: #000000
D- color: #114485
7. In the following piece of CSS code, what is #ffffff called?
body { color: #ffffff }
A- property
B- rule
C- selector
D- value
8. In the following piece of CSS code, what is the property selector? body { color: #ffffff background-color #525252 font-family: arial, "lucida console", sans-serif}
A- body
B- background-color
C- color
D- font-family
9- Which part of the following CSS code would you edit in order to change the color of the heading text?
body { color: #000000 background-color: #C9E1FF font-family: Arial, ""Lucida Console"", sans-serif} h1 {color: #114485 font-size: x-large font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;}
A- color #000000
B- color: #114485
C- font-size: x-large
D- h1 {
10. How many rules are contained in the CSS code?
body { color: #000000 background-color: #C9E1FF font-family: Arial, "Lucida Console", sans-serif} h1 {color: #ffffff font-size: small font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;"
A- 1
B- 2
C- 3
D- 4
I think the answers are;
2 answers
1. I don't know
2. you're right
3. does not exist in your question
4. you're right
5. I don't know (this question does not make much sense to me)
6. you're wrong
7. you're wrong
8. I don't know
9. you're wrong
10. I don't know
After working with css for over 10 years (probably close to 20) I'm astonished at the questions and am unable to effectively mentally process most of them.
3. you are wrong
5. you are wrong
8. you are wrong (re question 1)
10. you are wrong