Weather unit test 6th grade

1 answer

1. What tool is used to measure temperature?
a) thermometer
b) barometer
c) anemometer
d) rain gauge

2. What unit is used to measure temperature?
a) Celsius
b) inches
c) kilometers
d) pounds

3. What type of weather is measured with a rain gauge?
a) temperature
b) wind speed
c) precipitation
d) cloud cover

4. What tool is used to measure wind speed?
a) thermometer
b) barometer
c) anemometer
d) rain gauge

5. What is the unit of measurement for wind speed?
a) miles per hour (mph)
b) degrees Fahrenheit
c) inches
d) millimeters

6. What does a barometer measure?
a) temperature
b) air pressure
c) wind speed
d) precipitation

7. Which unit is used to measure air pressure?
a) pascal (Pa)
b) kilometers per hour (km/h)
c) pounds per square inch (psi)
d) gallons

8. Which type of weather is measured with a hygrometer?
a) temperature
b) humidity
c) wind speed
d) cloud cover

9. What unit is used to measure humidity?
a) percentage (%)
b) inches
c) kilometers
d) pounds

10. What tool is used to measure humidity?
a) thermometer
b) barometer
c) anemometer
d) hygrometer