We will employ the SPSS dataset talent.sav, which can be found in Doc Sharing, in our exploration of interpreting a One-Way MANOVA. You will need to install the PASW Grad Pack 18.0 in order to download the dataset.

Open the SPSS dataset talent.sav. This dataset is composed of responses to a survey of more than 500 high school seniors. The dataset was collected for the purpose of attempting to employ aptitude, achievement, and demographic variables to predict the seniors' future career choices.

Here are our variables:

Categorical predictor/"Fixed Factor" - "collplan" - this variable is composed of the individual’s membership in the following categories (the individual’s plan to focus on the following areas in college):
Teacher college
Agricultural college
Engineering college
Liberal arts
No plans yet
Quantitative Outcome Variables:
"abstract" - a test of abstract reasoning
"creative" - a test of creativity
We are attempting to answer the following question: How well do the categorical predictor variable "factors" (levels) predict scores on a.) a measure of abstract reasoning ability, and b.) a measure of creativity?

Open the SPSS dataset talent.sav.

Select "Analyze," "General Linear Model," then "Multivariate."

Move "abstract" and "creative" into the Dependent Variable window.

Move "collplan" to the Fixed Factor window (categorical predictor variable).


Select "Options" - Under Factor(s) and Factor Interactions, move "collplan" to "Display means for" window

Select "Display," then check "Descriptive Statistics" and "Homogeneity tests."


Select "OK" to run the analyses.

On the basis of these analyses, answer the following questions:

What is the Box’s M Test F and associated p value? What does this tell us?
What is the Levene’s F and associated p value? What does this tell us?
Examining the Wilk’s Lambda for "collplan":
What is the F and associated p value?
What does this tell us?
Examining the descriptive statistics and the results of the omnibus F ratio, write a brief summary verbally interpreting these results for your reader.

4 answers

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What are the steps espoused by the Applied Statistics in Business and Economics for formal hypothesis testing? Provide examples.
BOX m 23.586 f= .925 p=.568
find u=(*)