We were given a worksheet on modifying functions with the equation y=Af(Bx+C)+D.
The first function we're given is y1=f(x)= x + x^2 and we're supposed to graph it. Then we're told to graph y2=2f(x), and we're given instructions on how to enter it [y2=2 ->vars->y-vars->function->Y1->enter].
After that we're supposed to enter and graph Y2=f(2x), Y3= f(.5x), Y4= f(-x), and after that we have to graph Y2= f(x-2), Y3= f(x+2), Y4= f(2x+2)
The problem is, it doesn't tell us how to enter these new variations and I can't figure out how to do it on my calculator [I'm using a TI-83 plus]! Can someone tell me how to enter them [if you could just model one from each set, that would be great]?