Ecology of Pond and Lake
Biology of Urban Pond and Natural Lake
We went on field trip as class to a pond and lake and we compared the urban pond with natural lake I'm trying to think of title for this study and title has to contain sufficient detail abt what the study is about and the general location of study it should be complete sentence I can't think of title
10 answers
Thanks very much ms sue :)
You're very welcome, Mohammad.
Ms sue could i make title fun anyhow ? Like so it puts a lot of attention in people ? Pond vs lake can't seem to come with catchy stuff
What are a couple of things you noticed about the pond and the lake?
Did the pond of scum floating on it?
Did the pond of scum floating on it?
I only want in lake trip but pond must have been dirtier cause it have more algae in it and poster supposed to be comparing the two bodies of water in terms of their biotic and abiotic components and which one is healthier ph of lake was higher there was no fecal colugo em bacterial growth in ISobel lake only gamble pond there was we went to three sites for each teacher said she will put up other information this afternoon
I think a question type title would get people more hooked
Where will you swim?
Which fish will you eat?
Which fish will you eat?
How about you do your own work and leave this site for people who really need help, Mohammad.
John! You know nothing about Mohammad and whether he needs more help than you do. For a hint -- how many languages do you speak fluently?
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Please do not comment on other people's posts. It's rude and insulting!