We have to design a way of simulating the situation.
Cars driven on the road must have a current warrant of fitness and be registed. A recent newspaper article contained the following statement: " 80% of cars on the road in New Zealand have a current warrant of fitness and 90% are currently registed"
In response to the article the local police decided to invesitage the situation in your town. They consider having a registration and having a warrant of fitness are independent. A police officer parked on the main street and gave out fines to motorists found breaching either of these requirements.
Now need to design a way of simulating the traffic flow which passes the police officer to find out how many of the next 50 drivers will get a fine. need to describe in suffient detail so that another person could repeat it again.
2a) in peak hour traffic, 200 cars are expected to pass through the main street. use theoretical probability to calulate the expected number of drivers in peak hour traffic to be fined.
1 answer
The likelyhood of a care being warranted and registered is 80%*%90 = 72 = 0.72 Ergo, the likelyhood of having a problem is 0.28
So, with 50 cars you would expect to find .28*50=14 problem cars, with a standard deviation of sqrt(.28*.72*50)=3.17
Take it from here. I hope this helps.