We have "made up" organism's based on real ones like these
2. Chemosynthetic goldfish that convert pollution to food (autotrophs)
3. Aquatic humanoids whose main diet is aqua-wheat and basking sharks. They have fins instead of legs (heterotrophs)
4. Aqua-wheat: one of the few plants that remain, it is similar to algae.
5. Terrestrial Humanoids with 4 arms, their diet consists of butter-roaches and fuzzy hamsters.
6. Tentacled aqua humanoids, they only feed on aqua-wheat and have tentacles for arms and legs.
7. Cockroaches that feed on humanoid waste.
8. Giant Aqua-spiders that live in water and feed on goldfish and basking sharks.
9. Green-haired rats that are photosynthetic.
***My question is i just need help on how to find the genus of a species***** I