We have a final exam coming up with a comprehensive essay including

use of each of the types of essays (strategies) you studied this semester—
o Critique (pp. 19-22)
o Research (pp. 378-380)
o Comparison (pp. 217-218)
o Illustration (pp. 186-187)
o Argument (pp. 275-283)

The topics are
Immigration Reform
Gun Control
Genetic Research
Banning Use of Cell Phones While Driving (include calls and texts)
Raising the Legal Age for Driving

Which one should I choose, which is going to be easier for me to do since I am a non-native speaker.

1 answer

Only you can decide which is easiest for you. What interests you? What do you know something about?

I suggest you do some brief research on each of these topics so that you have a little background on which to make a decision.