We got our PSAT scores back today. I'm a bit concerned about my math score which was a 47 (470 on SAT). Are my other scores of a 61 (610) in writing and a 70 (700) in reading good enough to offset this, along a 4.2 GPA and leadership positions in three clubs?

2 answers

According to this site, the average SAT score is about 1500 -- so your score is almost 300 above that.


Whether a 470 is "good enough" depends on your intended major and the school you want to attend.
The sum of the three was 178, the average is 147 for the Selection Index. Your Score Plus you received also gave your ranking in percentiles, review that.

Your GPA is of little importance, as is the leadership positions.

What is important for college applications is class ranking, and your transcript indicating what courses you took, and outside school, activities in which you contributed to the community, which helps answer the question: what has he/she done for others.