We do not have access to any school's materials or exams. Even if we did, we certainly would NOT post the answers.

You are no credit to Penn Foster!

Check this site for Penn-Foster's cheating policies.


5 answers

You are absolutely right. Cheating is horrible but I've tried and tried to find the answers but they aren't in my book. I'm supposed to already know them. I just need help. Guess I need to reread my five other books and try to figure it out myself
I apologize again. I shouldn't try to cheat I need to do the work myself. Sorry if I upset you or brought shame to Pennfoster. My mistake I need to do my own work and not have any answers given to me.
What you CAN do is post the questions you are having problems with and post what YOU THINK the answer is/might be. Then someone here with the expertise would be able to help you.
I feel the need to jump in here on the cheating issue. I happen to be a Penn Foster enrollee and I can't tell you how unhappy I am with this school! Students tend to cheat when they realize, often too late they chose the wrong school and the teaching and student help staff has a rather spare tire that happens to be flat attitude! Often students looking for answers are not cheating, they are looking to work the problems in reverse because of such poor instructional help! I find myself in this category since I paid good money for this and I can honestly say for the most part, it has been wasted!! My Advice to those looking to go back to school? Do NOT go Penn Foster!! Find a school that offers financial aid and has real classrooms where you can form study groups when necessary! Cheating happens most often when your school choice is also your biggest mistake!
a lied XD