We did a lab where we reacted antacid with HCL and measured the pressure increase after the reaction. Then we found the percent concentrations of calcium carbonate of the antacid tablet. The question is: say the percent of calcium carbonate from trials 1 & 2 are consistent while trial 3 is much higher. How could a wet flask be used to explain this result? A wet flask would allow water to react with the calcium carbonate before we measure it, but i'm not sure what do say next. I think I need to use a gas law?

1 answer

I can't tell from your description but it appears that you used the HCl in a flask containing the antacid tablet and the gas generated flowed into another flask. If that is the case, then the wet "second flask" could absorb some of the CO2 gas generated. Was the pressure lower than the others? That would explain it. Higher than the others, there must be another explanation. If the set up is not as I have it pictured, please repost and describe the set up for us. Otherwise, we're operating in the dark.