We create algorithms to find solutions to problems. In this case, you are writing an algorithm to complete the new addition to your app. You can either create a flowchart using word processing software or a free website like draw.io, or you can write it in pseudocode in a word processing document. Step 2: Add a New Sprite Log in to App Inventor 2 and open the app that you created in the lessons. In Designer mode, create a second sprite and upload a suitable image for it. In Blocks mode, use the block that will detect when your second sprite has been collided into, and add another block that will make the second sprite invisible. Step 3: Add a Clock Next, add a clock component to your app. In Designer mode, drag over the clock component from the Sensor category. Change the time interval (in Properties) to 100. Let’s use the clock component to make the second sprite move horizontally across the screen. In Block mode, add the following blocks to your program: App Inventor 2 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). Hint: Remember to match the colors with their drawers. So, for the blue block above, look in the blue Math drawer. Change one of the blocks above to make the second sprite move diagonally rather than horizontally. Step 4: Test and Debug Test your app on the emulator or on an Android device. Debug (fix) any glitches that you notice.
1 answer
1. Log in to App Inventor 2 and open the app that you created in the lessons.
2. Switch to Designer mode and add a second sprite by dragging it from the palette onto the canvas.
3. Upload a suitable image for the second sprite by selecting it from your local files or the built-in image library.
4. Switch to Blocks mode and locate the block that detects when the second sprite has been collided into.
5. Drag and drop the collision detection block into the workspace.
6. Add another block that will make the second sprite invisible when a collision occurs.
7. Switch back to Designer mode and drag a clock component from the Sensor category onto the canvas.
8. In the Properties pane, change the time interval of the clock component to 100 milliseconds.
9. Switch to Blocks mode and find the block that activates the clock component.
10. Drag and drop the activate clock block into the workspace.
11. Locate the block that moves the second sprite horizontally across the screen.
12. Drag and drop the block into the workspace.
13. Duplicate the horizontal movement block and modify it to make the second sprite move diagonally.
14. Connect the modified movement block to the activate clock block.
15. Save your program and test it using the emulator or an Android device.
16. Identify any glitches or bugs that you notice during testing.
17. Debug and fix any issues by reviewing your code and making necessary adjustments.
18. Repeat steps 15-17 until your app runs smoothly without any glitches.