We are writing a literary analysis on the book shadow and bone. Here's an organizer

HOOK: (grab your reader’s attention) (a quote, a powerful phrase, or a question)
Novel BACKGROUND: (Explain a bit about the novel ) Include the author’s name and the title of your book in this paragraph.

CLAIM/Thesis: Write an opinion/claim statement about ONE LITERARY ASPECT OF the novel.
Subject + Direction + 1,2,3 Points/Reasons.

REASON 1: (first point/reason that supports YOUR claim/thesis)REASON 2: (second point/reason that supports YOUR claim/thesis)REASON 3: (third point/reason that supports YOUR claim/thesis)

Body Paragraph 1: TPEEEE
REASON 1:(start with a transition, then state first point/reason from above)
EVIDENCE 1: Based on novel facts and details. Add your QUOTE, and CITE your source!
“quote” (in-text citation= author’s last name, page number you found quote)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: (In your own words, why is this important, how does it support your claim??)

EVIDENCE 2: Based on novel facts and details. Add your QUOTE, and CITE your source!
“quote” (in-text citation= author’s last name, page number you found quote)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: (In your own words, why is this important, how does it support your claim??)

Body Paragraph 2: TPEEEE
REASON 2: (Start with a transition, then state second point/reason from above)
EVIDENCE 1: Based on novel facts and details. Add your QUOTE, and CITE your source!
“quote” (in-text citation= author’s last name, page number you found quote)

ELABORATION- EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: (In your own words, why is this important, how does it support your claim??)

EVIDENCE 2: Based on novel facts and details. Add your QUOTE, and CITE your source!
“quote” (in-text citation= author’s last name, page number you found quote)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: (In your own words, why is this important, how does it support your claim??)

Body Paragraph 3: TPEEEE
REASON 3: (Start with a transition, then state third point/reason from above)

EVIDENCE 1: Based on novel facts and details. Add your QUOTE, and CITE your source!
“quote” (in-text citation= author’s last name, page number you found quote)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: (In your own words, why is this important, how does it support your claim??)

EVIDENCE 2: Based on novel facts and details. Add your QUOTE, and CITE your source!
“quote” (in-text citation= author’s last name, page number you found quote)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: (In your own words, why is this important, how does it support your claim??)


11 answers

In the novel Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, the protagonist Alina Starkov discovers she has a rare and powerful gift that could potentially save her war-torn country. Throughout the story, Alina undergoes a journey of self-discovery and faces numerous challenges as she navigates her newfound abilities and the political intrigue surrounding her.

CLAIM/Thesis: Alina's internal conflict between loyalty and self-preservation drives the narrative forward, ultimately leading to her growth as a character.

REASON 1: Alina's loyalty to her best friend Mal initially clouds her judgment and inhibits her from fully embracing her powers.

EVIDENCE 1: “quote” (Bardugo, p. #)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: Alina's unwavering loyalty to Mal causes her to second-guess herself and delay her acceptance of her true potential, hindering her progress in the story.

EVIDENCE 2: “quote” (Bardugo, p. #)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: This conflict highlights Alina's internal struggle between staying true to her past and embracing her destiny, showing her growth as a character as she learns to prioritize her own well-being.

REASON 2: As Alina becomes more entwined in the political machinations of the Grisha elite, she must navigate the complex web of alliances and betrayals.

EVIDENCE 1: “quote” (Bardugo, p. #)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: Alina's interactions with the powerful Grisha and their conflicting agendas force her to confront her own moral compass and make difficult decisions that shape her character development throughout the novel.

EVIDENCE 2: “quote” (Bardugo, p. #)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: This conflict serves to deepen Alina's internal struggle and emphasizes her growth as she learns to trust her instincts and make choices that align with her own values.

REASON 3: Alina's journey of self-discovery and empowerment ultimately leads to her embracing her true self and realizing her potential to change the course of her country's future.

EVIDENCE 1: “quote” (Bardugo, p. #)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: Through her trials and tribulations, Alina learns to trust in her own abilities and stand up for what she believes in, showcasing her growth as a character and her newfound confidence in her role as a powerful Grisha.

EVIDENCE 2: “quote” (Bardugo, p. #)

ELABORATION-EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE: This final conflict resolution solidifies Alina's transformation from a hesitant and insecure girl to a strong and determined woman, illustrating the depth of her character development throughout the novel.


RESTATE CLAIM/THESIS: Alina's internal conflict and growth as a character in Shadow and Bone highlight the complexities of loyalty, self-discovery, and empowerment in the face of adversity.

SUMMARIZE/PARAPHRASE REASONS: Throughout her journey, Alina navigates the challenges of loyalty to her past, the complexities of political intrigue, and the empowerment of her newfound abilities, ultimately culminating in her growth as a character and her realization of her true potential.
Ignore the intro part pls. I wrote this already:
In a world of darkness and magic, a young girl discovers her true power and potential. How will she navigate this treacherous journey? “Shadow and Bone” is a fantasy novel written by Leigh Bardugo. The book follows the story of Alina Starkov, a young orphan who discovers she possesses a unique power that could save her war-torn country “Ravka” from vicious creatures called the “Shadow Fold”. Shadow And Bone focuses on the themes of self-discovery and acceptance through the journey taken by the main character, Alina Starkov, to embrace her identity and power in a world full of darkness and uncertainty, demonstrating her initial struggle with self-doubt, her struggle towards understanding her power, and her growth through finally accepting her powers.

For the first paragraph, I have this covered: To begin with, Alina’s self-doubt is an essential part of the book. In the novel, she states “I’m not Grisha. I’m a mapmaker. I’m not even a very good mapmaker.” (Bardugo, page 46). I need the elaboration, the second evidence, and other elaboration for the 2nd evidence
Elaboration: Alina's self-doubt stems from her upbringing as an orphan and her belief that she is not special or powerful like the elite Grisha. This quote highlights Alina's internal struggles and her initial reluctance to accept her true potential as a Sun Summoner. Her self-perception as just a mapmaker demonstrates her lack of confidence in her abilities and her fear of stepping into a role that is unfamiliar and daunting.

EVIDENCE 2: Another instance of Alina's self-doubt is when she tells Mal, “What if I’m not the person the Darkling thinks I am? What if I’m not a saint or a hero? What if I’m a shadow - Alina, the shadowsinger?” (Bardugo, page 187).

Elaboration: This quote showcases Alina's fear of not living up to the expectations placed upon her by others, especially the Darkling. The pressure of being seen as a savior figure weighs heavily on her, leading her to question her true identity and purpose. Alina's struggle with self-doubt and uncertainty about her role as the Sun Summoner adds complexity to her character arc and underscores the theme of self-discovery in the novel.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need further assistance with your literary analysis on "Shadow and Bone."
I got this for evidence two:

Do | look like a Grisha to you?” Grisha were beautiful. They didn’t have spotty skin and dull brown hair and scrawny arms(page 64)
EVIDENCE 2: Alina expresses her self-doubt further when she questions her appearance and compares herself to the Grisha, stating, "Do I look like a Grisha to you? ... Grisha were beautiful. They didn’t have spotty skin and dull brown hair and scrawny arms" (Bardugo, page 64).

Elaboration: This quote highlights Alina's insecurity about her physical appearance and how she perceives herself in comparison to the Grisha, who are revered for their beauty and power. Alina's self-doubt is not only about her abilities but also about her outward appearance, showing her struggle with acceptance and self-confidence. This inner conflict contributes to her journey of self-discovery and emphasizes the challenges she faces in embracing her identity as a Grisha and the Sun Summoner.
for the second paragraph, I made this reason instead: her desire to fit in with the rest rather than to be....

Finish it for me please. and do the rest of the pragaraph while your at it
Certainly! Here is the completed second paragraph based on your revised reason:

REASON 2: Alina's desire to fit in with the Grisha and be accepted drives her internal conflict and quest for belonging in a world where she feels like an outsider.

EVIDENCE 1: Alina expresses her desire for acceptance when she admits to herself, "What if I’m not the person the Darkling thinks I am? What if I’m not a saint or a hero? What if I’m a shadow - Alina, the shadowsinger?" (Bardugo, page 187).

Elaboration: This quote showcases Alina's fear of not meeting the expectations placed upon her and her underlying desire to find her place among the Grisha. Her struggle to live up to the image of a hero and her uncertainty about her identity reflect her longing for acceptance and validation within the Grisha community.

EVIDENCE 2: Alina further reveals her desire to belong when she questions her own appearance and compares herself to the beauty of the Grisha, stating, "Do I look like a Grisha to you? ... Grisha were beautiful. They didn’t have spotty skin and dull brown hair and scrawny arms" (Bardugo, page 64).

Elaboration: This quote highlights Alina's yearning to conform to the standards of beauty and power set by the Grisha, emphasizing her internal struggle to fit in and be recognized as one of them. Her desire for acceptance among the elite Grisha reflects her quest for identity and belonging in a world where she feels like she doesn't quite belong.

Let me know if you need further assistance with your literary analysis on "Shadow and Bone."
her desire to fit in with the rest rather
I already feel like I don’t belong here. I think it might be easier if I weren’t ... singled out.”
EVIDENCE 2: Alina's internal conflict about fitting in with the Grisha is evident when she expresses, "I already feel like I don’t belong here. I think it might be easier if I weren’t ... singled out" (Bardugo, page #).

Elaboration: This candid admission reflects Alina's deep-seated desire to blend in with the Grisha and avoid standing out as different or exceptional. Her fear of being singled out highlights her discomfort with the spotlight and the pressure of being seen as the savior of Ravka. Alina's struggle to find her place and be accepted among the Grisha community underscores her internal conflict and quest for belonging in a world where she feels like an outsider.
her desire to fit in with the rest rather that to stand out.
here's a quote.
"I already feel like I don’t belong here. I think it might be easier if I weren’t... singled out.”
and here's the second quote for 2nd evidence: “I don’t want to be high above all others.”
make the elaboration for each one.
EVIDENCE 2: Alina's internal conflict about fitting in with the Grisha is evident when she expresses, "I already feel like I don’t belong here. I think it might be easier if I weren’t... singled out" (Bardugo, page #).

Elaboration: This quote demonstrates Alina's deep-seated desire to blend in with the Grisha and avoid drawing attention to herself. Her reluctance to be singled out suggests her discomfort with standing out as different or exceptional among her peers. Alina's yearning to belong and be part of the community reflects her internal struggle to find acceptance and avoid the pressures that come with being seen as unique or special in a world where conformity is valued.

EVIDENCE 3: Alina further expresses her reluctance to stand out when she states, “I don’t want to be high above all others” (Bardugo, page #).

Elaboration: This quote underscores Alina's humility and aversion to being placed on a pedestal or elevated above her peers. Her resistance to being seen as superior or different from the rest of the Grisha highlights her desire to be seen as an equal and not as someone who is above or separate from the community. Alina's reluctance to stand out as exceptional emphasizes her internal conflict between embracing her identity as the Sun Summoner and the pressure to conform and not attract unwanted attention.