We are using Netbeans IDE for my class and i have no clue on how to write this program...

Write a program to enter a score and a points possible for a test, computer the percent, display the percent to 1 decimal place and then display the letter grade (A – F) using a standard scale (90, 80, 70, 60) – use the if ... else if ... else if ...

Enter points on test: 38
Enter points possible: 49
You got 77.6 percent
That is a C

2 answers

I forgot to mention we are using Java
The Netbeans IDE runs only Java, so there is no ambiguity.

You need a nested if statement, which should be indented properly.

I will give an example of how the if statement should work, you will have to rework the numbers to suit your teacher's question.

// Declare score, maxScore as integer
// declare grade as character
// declare percent as double
// enter values of scores by user
// if maxScore==0, reenter maxScore
// now calculate percentage
if (percent>=90){
} else if (percent>=80){
} else {
// output letter grade to 1 place of decimal
// output letter grade