We are to go to the hhs.gov sire and reaserch the site for answers to questions below.

Be sure to carefully read the PDF file “Summary of HIPAA
Privacy Rule.” (Note that covered entity means those who are
subject to the HIPAA rules—like health plans, doctors, hospitals,
clinics, and nursing homes.) You’ll probably need to use
additional research material and Web sites to complete your
project. You must use appropriate citation throughout your
paper, and you must attach a reference page to your project.
1. Does HIPAA affect the patient’s access to his or her
medical records? If so, describe the effect and the
procedure for obtaining access.
2. Under what circumstances can personal health
information be used for purposes unrelated to
health care? (Hint: There should be at least 12
3. Are there requirements for covered entities to have
written privacy policies? If so, what has to be addressed
in the policy?
4. How will employees in the medical office have to be
trained regarding privacy (for example, who is responsible
for training and record keeping)? What is required if
an employee doesn’t follow the privacy policy? When
must employees be trained? In what manner?

We would appreciate any help on information for these questions. Thanks in advance.

1 answer

under what circumstances can personal health information be used for purpose unrelated to health care