we are reading catching fire. we have a mini project to do. there are 17 questions and i couldn't find 4. so my questions are :

1. what is healing capacity of salt water?
2. why does salt water have those positive effects on us?
3. what is saline solution rinse?
4. what positive effects have people noticed after using a neti pot?

it's a kind of science question but it is for ela the book called "catching fire"

sorry for the trouble
thanksss for helping!

4 answers

nobody answered me yesterday please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my sister needs her laptop back please help!!!!!!!!

You'd probably have your answer if you'd followed my instructions yesterday. I told you to use Science as your subject line.

A science teacher is the best person to answer your question. Science teachers do not usually look at ela questions. We English teachers are not experts in saline solutions.
If you want help from someone who knows the subject (in this case, science), you need to put that word or term in the Subject box. Anything else will not get the attention of someone who'll know what you're asking about.