We are going to build a PV system on a roof of 10m2, and we have two possible PV modules:

(1) A first generation module with efficiency η=17% and cost of 0.80€/Wp.

(2) A second generation PV module with efficiency η=10% and cost of 0.40€/Wp.

The non-modular costs are 100€/m2.

Assume that the rooftop enjoys an irradiance of 1000W/m2.

1. What is the cost in € of implementing a PV system for the entire roof using first generation technologies?

2. What is the cost in € of implementing a PV system for the entire roof using second generation technologies?

3. If the power demand is 700Wp, which will be the most cost effective option? (Note that for meeting the power demand, you may not need the whole roof area.)

11 answers

plz help me whats the solution of this question.
For Question 1: 2440
Total PV output = 1000W/m2×18%×10m2=1800W
PV module costs = 1800W×€0.8/Wp=€1440.
Non-modular costs = €100/m2×10m2=€1000.
Total cost = PV module costs + non-modular costs = €2440.
does anyone know the answer to the 3rd part?
AQ1.1.1 Costs of PV Technology Generations
(Note: due to requests from many students, to clarify the exercise and enhance the differences between the two options, the efficiency of the first generation module was changed from 17% to 18%. The correct answer to AQ1.1.3 remains the same as before).

We are going to build a PV system on a roof of 10m2, and we have two possible PV modules:

(1) A first generation module with efficiency η=18% and cost of

(2) A second generation PV module with efficiency η=10% and cost of

The non-modular costs are

Note that the irradiance under standard test conditions is 1000W/m2.

What is the cost in € of implementing a PV system for the entire roof using first generation technologies?

Explanation Irradiance = 1000W/m2.
PV area = 10m2.
Module efficiency η=18%
Total PV output = 1000W/m2×18%×10m2=1800W
PV module costs = €1800W×€0.8/Wp=€1440.
Non-modular costs = €100/m2×10m2=€1000.
Total cost = PV module costs + non-modular costs = €2440.

AQ1.1.2 Costs of PV Technology Generations

What is the cost in € of implementing a PV system for the entire roof using second generation technologies?

Explanation Irradiance = 1000W/m2.
PV area = 10m2.
Module efficiency η=10%
Total PV output = 1000W/m2×10%×10m2=1000W
PV module costs = €1000W×€0.4/Wp=€400.
Non-modular costs = €100/m2×10m2=€1000.
Total cost = PV module costs + non-modular costs = €1400.
Q3 is first generation
Ans:first generation technology
The worldwide installed wind power in 2012 was 280GW . Assume that the total electricity generation worldwide is 20200TWh per year, and a capacity factor for wind power of 30% .

What percentage of the total electricity generation worldwide was covered by wind energy in 2012?