'We are currently in an energy crisis. After food, fossil fuels are humanity's most important source of energy. These resources take millions of years to make. We are currently using the fuels that were made more than 300 million years ago, before the time of dinosaurs. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource; once they are gone, they are gone. Compose a research paper that investigates and reports on the biological and environmental aspects of this energy crisis.'
[Introduction] 15 points are for:
-A clear thesis statement that expresses the argument, goals, and/or main focus of the paper; thesis statement should be easily recognizable
-Introduces topic with general background information and outlines a road map with development of supporting ideas; provides an overview of what the reader can expect to learn
-Effectively grabs readers' attention and makes them want to continue reading
Here's what I have so far for my introduction. Is it okay?
Fossil Fuels--An Energy Crisis [Title]
Have you ever thought about where your electricity comes from? What the petroleum your car runs on is made of? What produces all the energy you see?
Oil, coal, and natural gas are collectively known as fossil fuels. Today, eighty-five percent of all energy produced in the United States comes from burning these fuels. That energy powers almost two-thirds of our electricity and all of our transportation. We are currently in a crisis because fossil fuels are non-renewable; once they are gone, they are gone. To get past the emergency of fossil fuels finishing, alternative fuel sources need to be found that can substitute efficiently. [Thesis]
I tried to make the beginning attention-grabbing, but that's the best I could do...Does it fit in with the 15 points?
2 answers
To surve the end of fossil fuels, the world needs to find and develop alternative fuel sources.
Now think of three good reasons we need to find and develop alternative fuels.