The scale should read the weight of the acculumated water, plus the force needed to change the momentum of the falling drops to zero, plus the weight of the bucket.
weight of water=rate*time*desnity*g
change of momentum force=
massdrop*velocity drop/timebetween drops
= .241L(1kg/Liter) *sqrt(h*g*2)* 1/sec
weight bucket=massbucket*g
Water of density 1000 kg/m3 falls without splashing at a rate of 0.241 L/s from a height of 81.3 m into a 0.638 kg bucket on a scale. If the bucket is originally empty, what does the scale read 2.06 seconds after the first drop contacts the bucket? The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2. Answer in units of N
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