Water enters the heater at 25⁰C and leaves at 80⁰C. What is the temperature change in ⁰Fahrenheit, ⁰Kelvin, and ⁰Rankein?

3 answers

The hard way.
Kelvin = 273 + C . Do that for 25 C and 80 C and subtract.
Fahrenheit = 9C/5 + 32. Do that for 25 C and 80 C and subtract.
R = F + 459.67 = ? Do that for the two F readings and subtract.
Change in ºC is the same as change in ºKelvin so 80-25 = 55ºC or 55ºK

For easier conversion, change in ºF = (1.8) x change in ºC.

So, ºF = (1.8) (55) = 99ºF

and also, change in ºF is equal to the change in ºR
So, 99ºF = 99ºR

Therefore, the temperature change in ⁰C = 55ºC or 55ºK, temperature change in ⁰F = 99ºF, and temperature change in ⁰R = 99ºR.