was wondering if you can help me correct these following sentences: focus is on glossary usage.

4. I use to be a philosopher, but now my brain works as it should.
5. "Woe is I," Kierkegaard shouted as he jumped off of the cliff with alot of nonbelievers.
6. Socrates acted like a madman; Aristotle behaved like he was a genius.
7. Being as the jury cleverly effected the removal of Socrates from the streets of Athens in 399 B.C.E., Plato couldn't help but feel badly.
8. As I keep telling you, TOga Man, bring less shadows out of that cave, alright?
9. A good test is when you don't have to cheat. O.K., let me say it again: a good test is when you don't have to cheat.

My own attempt:

4. I used to be a philosopher, but now my brain works as it should.
5. "Woe is I," Kierkegaard shouted as he jumped off the cliff with a lot of nonbelievers.
6. Socrates acted like a madman; Aristotle behaved like he a genius.
7. Plato couldn't help but felt bad because the jury cleverly effected the removal of Socrates from the streets of Athens in 399 B.C.E.
8. As I keep telling you, Toga Man, take less shadows out of that cave, alright?
9. A good test is when you don't have to cheat. Let me say it adequately again: a good test is when you don't have to cheat.

Thank you for the help.

4. looks OK
5. I'd use "am" instead of "is"
6. use "as if" instead of "like"
7. use "couldn't help feeling bad" (no "but")
8. use "fewer" instead of "less" and "all right" instead of "alright"
9. keep the first sentence; delete the rest


can you unscramble this ttstelli

Try these:



for question 6. You can see socraties acting like, say, a man, or like a he is mad. That part is OK. But look at the second part of the sentence. Aristotle behaved like a genius. Now, how does one "behave" like a genius? I have never seen a genius so I don't know how a genius behaves. Contrast this with socraties - who we say is acting like a mad man. OK, I know how a mad man acts. To fix this sentence, you need to restate how Aristotle behaves so that we can compare how he acts with something that we can identify in our minds with being normal or abnormal.

On the other hand, you may want to simplify. We know that Aristotal was a genius, so you can change it to be something like this:
Aristotal had the mind of a genius. Now, everyone will know just how smart Aristotal is inside of his brain.

1 answer

nobody answered this smh