Was the Civil War inevitable? Could anything have been done through compromise to stop it, or did it have to happen? In one paragraph, state your opinion and support it with your reasons. Include examples as evidence to strengthen your viewpoint. Write it like an 8th grader and put why the war was inevitable

1 answer

In my opinion, the Civil War was inevitable because the differences between the North and South had grown too large to be solved by compromise. The North wanted to end slavery and promote industrialization, while the South relied on slavery for their agricultural economy. Even attempts at compromise, like the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850, only provided temporary solutions and didn't address the core issues. Events like the Dred Scott decision, which declared that African Americans were not citizens, and the publication of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which exposed the harsh realities of slavery, fueled tensions further. The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was the tipping point, as many Southern states feared that he would abolish slavery altogether, leading to their secession. Ultimately, the deep-rooted political, social, and economic differences made it seem that war was the only way to resolve the conflict over slavery.