Was conflict over red river settlement inevitable?
Yeah because I am sure Macdonnel would have still issued his Pemmican Proclamation no matter what.
This question is like a trick question. How do I reword it, and my answer is not good. please help
8 answers
ROFL Emma, you must tell the potential helper what this is about.
I suggest you expand on bobpursley's answer. Also go back and read our other discussions about this conflict/rebellion.
I personally think it was inevitable because one company (Hudson's Bay) wanted settlement in the area and the other (North West) did not
I personally think it was inevitable because one company (Hudson's Bay) wanted settlement in the area and the other (North West) did not
The conflict over the Red River settlemnt was inevitable because anyone could have taken control of the land and the Metis would have to fight to get it back. They were powerless, and if anyone arrived and landed on their land, then they could take it over easily.
Please my sentences are always so awkwardy, how do I professionaly answer this?
Please my sentences are always so awkwardy, how do I professionaly answer this?
Well, if Hudson Bay had continued to control the area and traded with the Metis there would not have been an immediate fight (although eventually some Europeans would have moved in no doubt). I blame the conflict on the attempt of the NW company to settle colonists on land controlled by HB.
Your wording is fine, Emma.
ok thank you both.
Please explain more, I still not understand