Waiting time in the queue by the driver can be used as a criterion whether toll plazas customer centric or not. Assume there are 3 counter serving customers. Customers who come will get in the shortest line (based on the number of customers / vehicles in the queue). Assume there are three categories of payment methods:
a. Using money - 40 seconds
b. Cards ' Touch & Go ' - 20 seconds
c. ‘Smart Tag ' - 10 seconds
Assume the same counter used for the three way payment.
Based on customer data is read from a file, create a program to calculate the waiting time for each customer. Calculate the average waiting time for customer average waiting time.
Assume that the management knew about the problem you give feedback results and ready to change the existing system, suggest the following alternatives to management:
1. Add counters / path
2. Use separate paths for the three above payment methods.
Your proposed alternative must be proved by computerized.
*is it better to use linked list or queue?