vrs. Pastella wants to buy an easel for $100 at a store. She has no cash with her. Complete the table below to help her determine the method of payment she should use.

Write the letter of the statements to show the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
A statement can go in more than one place.
Credit card
Debit Card
A. PIN can make it secure
B. May owe more money than can pay back
L. Gould be bulky to carly
D. Less likely to overspend
t. lakes time to write It out
F. Convenient and easy 10
Garry around
G. Provides a space to record expenses
H. Easy to forget to record how much spend
1. can buy now and pay later
J. Need to remember PIN
K. Need to have enough in my account
L. Could lose the card
M. Can run out of checks
W. May have to pay interest
O. Could be stolen

1 answer

| Method of Payment | Advantages | Disadvantages |
| --------------------- | ------------ | -------------- |
| Check | A, D, G | T, M |
| Credit Card | G, F, O | B, W |
| Debit Card | A, D, K | L, H |