Question 1.1 [20 marks]
Multiple Choice Questions: Various options are provided as possible answers to
the following questions. Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (A
to D) next to the question number.
Question 1.1.1 [2 marks]
In most stable freshwater environments, populations of Daphnia are almost
entirely female and reproduce asexually. However, males are observed in
low-oxygen environments or when food is scarce.
Based on these observations, a researcher suggests that male Daphnia develop
in response to unfavourable environmental conditions.
This is an example of a …
A. Procedure
B. Theory
C. Hypothesis
D. Result
Question 1.1.2 [2 marks]
Name the phylum to which the organism below belongs:
Figure 1: Diagram of an organism
A. Annelida
B. Cnidaria
C. Arthropoda
D. Chordata
Question 1.1.3 [2 marks]
Dermacentor variabilis is a tick species of dog. Which combination correctly
shows the phyla to which the parasite and host species belong?
Dermacentor Dog
A Arthropoda Arthropoda
B Arthropoda Chordata
C Platyhelminthes Chordata
D Platyhelminthes Arthropoda
Question 1.1.4 [2 marks]
Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of Porifera?
A. sessile
B. lack true tissue
C. symmetrical
D. asexual
Question 1.1.5 [2 marks]
The death rate is……
A. mortality
B. natality
C. immigration
D. emigration
Question 1.1.6 [2 marks]
Natural causes of death include…..
A. old age
B. parasitism
C. commensalism
D. mut
Question 1.1.7 [2 marks]
Which is an indirect counting technique?
A. aerial photography
B. counting
C. census
D. quadrat
Question 1.1.8 [2 marks]
Study the population pyramid below:
Figure 2: Population pyramid
Which of the following is an incorrect interpretation of the population above?
A. Declining population; characteristic of a developing country
B. Rapidly growing population; characteristic of a developing country
C. More females live to old age than males.
D. There is a high natality rate.
Question 1.1.9 [2 marks]
Male weaver birds build the nests. The females choose their mate according to
how good the male's nest and courtship display is. What is this an example of?
A. Interspecific competition
B. Intraspecific competition
C. Altruism
D. Territoriality
Question 1.1.10 [2 marks]
One of the species benefits and the other is harmed.
A. parasitism
B. commensalism
C. mutualism
D. communism
TOTAL: [2 x 10 = 20]
Question 1.2 [5 marks]
Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions. Write only
the term next to the question number.
Question 1.2.1 [1 mark]
The movement of individuals into a habitat.
Question 1.2.2 [1 mark]
The method used by governments to count how many people are in their
Question 1.2.3 [1 mark]
When every individual in a population dies and the species is wiped out.
Question 1.2.4 [1 mark]
A relationship between two organisms that live together for the benefit of one or
both of the organisms.
Question 1.2.5 [1 mark]
The birth rate of a population.
TOTAL: [1 x 5 = 5]
Question 1.3 [10 marks]
Indicate whether each of the descriptions in Column I applies to A ONLY, B
ONLY, BOTH A and B or NONE of the items in Column II. Write A only, B only,
both A and B or none next to the question number.
Column I Column II
1.3.1 Organisms that feed on dead organic
A: Decomposers
B: Saprophytes
1.3.2 A group of organisms capable of
interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.
A: Species
B: Community
1.3.3 Organisms that cause diseases. A: Pathogenic
B: Generic
1.3.4 Which of the following is not part of the
A: Filament
B: Stigma
1.3.5 Sponges are typically…. A: Mobile
B: Anaerobic
TOTAL: [2 x 5 = 10]
Question 1.4 [15 marks]
Figures A, B and C represent different phyla of animals.[A is a human,B is a fly, C is a jellyfish
Figure 3: Different phyla of animals
Question 1.4.1 [3 marks]
Identify the phylum represented in figures A, B and C. Write the letter with the
correct phylum.
Question 1.4.2 [1 mark]
What type of symmetry does Figure A have?
Question 1.4.3 [1 mark]
Give one benefit of the type of symmetry mentioned in 1.4.2.
Question 1.4.4 [6 marks]
Define the following terms:
a) Cephalisation
b) Triploblastic
c) coelom
Question 1.4.5 [4 marks]
Draw a diagram of a cross-section of a diploblastic body plan labelling each
tissue layer.

1 answer

Here are the answers for your questions:

Question 1.1 - Multiple Choice Questions

1.1.1: C (Hypothesis)

1.1.2: C (Arthropoda)

1.1.3: B (Arthropoda Chordata)

1.1.4: C (symmetrical)

1.1.5: A (mortality)

1.1.6: A (old age)

1.1.7: A (aerial photography)

1.1.8: A (Declining population; characteristic of a developing country)

1.1.9: B (Intraspecific competition)

1.1.10: A (parasitism)

Question 1.2 - Biological Terms

1.2.1: Immigration

1.2.2: Census

1.2.3: Extinction

1.2.4: Symbiosis

1.2.5: Natality

Question 1.3 - Column Descriptions

1.3.1: Both A and B (Decomposers and Saprophytes)

1.3.2: A only (Species)

1.3.3: A only (Pathogenic)

1.3.4: None (Neither A (Filament) nor B (Stigma) is part of the pistil; the filament is part of the stamen.)

1.3.5: B only (Anaerobic)

Question 1.4 - Identification and Definitions


  • A: Chordata (Human)
  • B: Arthropoda (Fly)
  • C: Cnidaria (Jellyfish)

1.4.2: Bilateral symmetry (for human A)

1.4.3: One benefit of bilateral symmetry is that it allows for better movement and coordination, leading to more efficient hunting and escaping from predators.

1.4.4: a) Cephalisation: The concentration of nervous tissue and sensory organs at the anterior end of the organism, leading to the development of a head.

b) Triploblastic: Organisms that have three primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, which develop into various tissues and organs.

c) Coelom: A body cavity located between the layers of the mesoderm, which provides space for internal organs and allows for their independent movement.

1.4.5: (Please note that as a text-based AI, I cannot draw diagrams. However, you would typically draw a cross-section of a diploblastic organism with the following layers):

  • Ectoderm (outer layer)
  • Mesoglea (middle, non-germ layer)
  • Endoderm (inner layer)

Each layer should be labeled accordingly.

Let me know if you need any further assistance!